D. L. Hitchcock ( photo )


Current issues in argumentation theory .

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Curriculum vitae ( PDF )



1. The culture of spoken arguments ( pdf )
2. Argument and medicine (commentary) (
pdf )
3. Reply to my commentator (on РThe culture of spoken argumentП) (
pdf )
4. Reply to my commentators (on РInformal logic and the concept of argumentП) (
pdf )


1. Non-logical consequence ( pdf )


1. On the generality of warrants ( PDF )

2. The eightfold way of deliberation dialogue (with Peter McBurney and Simon Parsons, PDF )

3. Is there an argumentum ad hominem fallacy? ( PDF )

4. 'So' ( PDF )

5. Response to commentaries on 'So' ( PDF )

6. Comments on J. A. Blair's "The 'logic' of informal logic" ( PDF )

7. The good in Plato's Philebus (abstract, PDF )

8. The good in Plato's Philebus (paper, PDF )


1.Arguing on the Toulmin Model: New Essays in Argument Analysis and Evaluation (edited, with Bart Verheij, HTML )

2. Critical notice of James B. Freeman's Acceptable Premises: An Epistemic Approach to an Informal Logic Problem ( PDF )

3. The pragma-dialectical analysis of the ad hominem fallacy ( HTML )

4. Why there is no argumentum ad hominem fallacy ( HTML )

5. Does God exist? ( PDF )


1. Good reasoning on the Toulmin model (conference paper, PDF )

2. The Uses of Argument: Proceedings of a conference at McMaster University, 18-21 May 2005 (edited, with the help of Daniel Farr) ( PDF )

3. Good reasoning on the Toulmin model (journal submission, PDF )

4. Timothy Chappell's Reading Plato's Theaetetus (review, PDF )

5. Douglas N. Walton's Abductive Reasoning (review, PDF )

6. The concept of argument (conference paper, PDF )

7. The concept of argument, and informal logic ( PDF )

8. The pragma-dialectical analysis of the ad hominem fallacy ( PDF )


1. The effectiveness of computer-assisted instruction in critical thinking ( PDF )

1a. On assessing and comparing critical thinking programs: a response to Hitchcock (by Donald Hatcher: a response to a previous version of the above paper, a version which can be found by clicking here ). ( HTML )

2. Competition ( HTML )

3. Evidence-Based Practice: Logic and Critical Thinking in Medicine (with Milos Jenicek) ( PDF)


1. John Woods' Aristotle's Earlier Logic: review ( PDF )

2. A note on implicit premisses ( PDF )

3. Indicators of complex argumentation: commentary ( PDF )

4. Informal logic 25 years later ( PDF )

5. Frans H. van Eemeren (ed.), Advances in Pragma-Dialectics (critical notice) ( HTML )


1. The practice of argumentative discussion ( PDF )

2. Aristotle's theory of argument evaluation ( PDF )

3. Alfred Tarski's "On the concept of following logically": translation (with Magda Stroinska) from the Polish, with introduction ( PDF )

4. Alfred Tarski's "On the concept of following logically": glossaries

5. The peculiarities of Stoic propositional logic ( PDF )

6. Toulmin's warrants ( PDF )

7. John Pollock on practical reasoning ( html )

8. Bertrand Russell and critical thinking: review ( html )


1. Sampling scholarly arguments: a test of a theory of good inference ( PDF )

2. Sampling scholarly arguments: appendix ( PDF )

3. A framework for deliberation dialogues ( PDF )

4. Barron on bias and Bayes ( HTML )


1. Decision support for practical reasoning (with Rod Girle, Peter McBurney and Bart Verheij) (PDF )

Papers by Inga Dolinina

Arguments against/pro Directives: taxonomy ( HTML )

Special report

Critical thinking and terrorism

This page was last updated on June 5, 2009.

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