Revised complete version of the book Leibniz, including acknowledgements to you!, is now available on Avenue.
A reminder that your research paper (about 6000-8000 words or 20 typed double-spaced pages), is due as an email attachment by midnight, Monday, December 9 or later if you have an extension. If you send me versions in Word or equivalent, not pdf, then I can e-mail you back a marked version.
Here's a handout Righting Writing (which includes the let for interpreting the notations I make (on your papers). The Grading Scheme is also here.
Finally, here is a handout on referencing.
CLASSES: WEDNESDAY 2:30-5:20, BSB 104 OFFICE HOURS: W 11:00-12:30
INSTRUCTOR: Richard T. W. Arthur rarthur at mcmaster dot ca OFFICE: UH 305; ext. 23470.
About the Course