Humanities degrees help empower people who want to make a difference in this world.
What did you find beneficial about your program at McMaster?
I was enrolled in the English and History programs during my undergraduate years at McMaster University. I also had the privilege of being a part of the MA graduate History program in 2012. McMaster provided me with many valuable learning experiences. The professors in the Humanities Faculty are exceptional lecturers! Moreover, they are very congenial and approachable which made my educational experience at McMaster enjoyable and engaging. The weekly tutorials led by passionate Teaching Assistants provided an avenue to discuss interesting subject matter with likeminded individuals. These tutorials, as well as the seminars that I took with professors in my senior years, provided opportunities to hone my communication skills, collaborate with others, and express my opinions. The Humanities Faculty at McMaster teaches you how to think critically about the world we live in; these critical thinking skills have allowed me to effectively identify and address social issues within my local community. I learned how to view texts, media, people, and the world more through various lenses, which has led me to be a more empathetic and caring educator. I also made lifelong friendships with amazing people! The comradery and social network within the History and English departments is excellent! Overall, I met wonderful people and gained important skills that have led me to be successful on my career path.
What advice would you give to a current student who is thinking about career options?
I would highly recommend students to obtain a degree in a Humanities program at McMaster University. Humanities programs help build many of the “soft skills” that employers are look for like communication, collaboration, leadership, creativity, and critical thinking. I have had multiple supervisory positions in the non-profit social-service sector; the ability to analyze situations and societal problems through various lenses has helped me come up with ingenuitive, creative solutions. Currently, I am employed as a teacher. I have been able to foster critical thinking skills in my students. Many of my close friends who obtained a degree from the Humanities Faculty at McMaster have been successful in a variety of fields: teaching, law, social-services, banking, business, medical management, human resources, and editing.
In your opinion, what is the value of a Humanities degree?
I think a Humanities degree is very valuable. Humanities programs create critical thinkers and problem solvers. In a world where we have many social issues plaguing society, we need creative people who can think “outside-the-box.” We need people who can analyze situations and come up with multiple ethical solutions. Humanities programs foster the skills needed to succeed in all employment sectors. Employers value employees who can communicate and collaborate with others effectively. I learned how to collaborate during my university years at McMaster; I have taken this skill and used it to help bring community groups and the education sector in Hamilton together to benefit many young people, giving them access to resources and supports that they may not otherwise have had. Being able to effectively argue your point of view and write succinctly are also two very important skills that you learn from a Humanities degree that you can use in many career fields. Lastly, I believe that Humanities degrees help empower people who want to make a difference in this world. I am very pleased that I completed an arts degree in the English and History departments at McMaster University.