About the McMaster Humanities Society

McMaster Humanities students sitting around a fountain on McMaster campus

About the Humanities Society

Students enrolled in programs in the Faculty of Humanities are represented by the McMaster Humanities Society (MHS). The Society is responsible for representing students, providing support to student groups and organizations, social and academic programming, and running fun and supportive events for Humanities Students.


Established in 1988, the McMaster Humanities Society is run by an executive of elected students and is supported by Humanities student representatives that are known as the Navy Nation or the ‘Navies’, named after the navy blue coveralls that they wear during Welcome Week! 


Students can become involved with the MHS in a variety of ways:


  • Attend one of the numerous events that the society plans and promotes each year
  • Sign-up to take part in the Humanities Mentorship Initiative (HMI) which is designed to assist students in the transition into their first year
  • Join the Navies and become a student representative in your second year or later
  • Become a member of the Executive Team and take on the role of an elected representative of the MHS


As a student run organization, the McMaster Humanities Society operates semi-independently and has their own website. Visit their website to learn more information.

McMaster Humanities Society McMaster Humanities Society