Congratulations Fabio Shecaira!
McMaster PhD student, Fabio Shecaira, successfully defended his dissertation Legal Scholarship as a Source of Law on February 9, 2012. Shortly thereafter, Fabio returned to his native Brazil where he is now a Professor in the Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro.
Well done Fabio. Our heartfelt congratulations!!
The conference attracted well over 35 participants from all round the world most of whom presented papers on a wide range of topics.
A hearty thanks to: our participants; the many volunteers who helped make things run very smoothly; our generous and talented Departmental Administrative Coordinator, Kim Squissato, who once again rose to the occasion and provided much needed support and expertise; our distinguished keynote speakers, Professors Mark Murphy (Georgetown) and Jules Coleman (NYU; formerly Yale) for their stimulating talks and various other less formal contributions; and to our conference organizers, Geoff Callaghan and Otto Phillips.
A special word of thanks must go out to Otto, whose inspiration and dedication have been behind the conference since its inception in 2009. Without Otto, the annual McMaster Graduate Conference for Legal Theory might never have been. Thanks Otto – and good luck as you pursue the next phase of your graduate education in the Fall at our OLPP partner, Osgoode Hall Law School!