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Nancy Doubleday Ph.D. (Queen's University)
Hope Chair in Peace and Health

Elisabeth Gedge Ph.D. (Calgary)
Chair of the Department of Philosophy

Michael Giudice Ph.D. (McMaster University)
Adjunct Assistant Professor

Leslie Green DPhil (Oxon)
Adjunct Professor

Violetta Igneski Ph.D. (Toronto)
Associate Professor
Cross-appointed with the Communication Studies Programme


Stefan Sciaraffa Ph.D. (University of Arizona)
Assistant Professor

Wil Waluchow DPhil (Oxford University)
Senator William McMaster Chair in Constitutional Studies


Current Students (Ph.D.)

Geoffrey Callaghan
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Interest: Legal and Political philosophy; Ethics
Thesis Topic: The Right to Dissent in Liberal Democracies
Email: geoffcallaghan79@gmail.com
Max Leonov
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Interest: Constitutional Law; Judicial Review; General Jurisprudence
Thesis Topic: I explore the role that courts play in times of emergency situations and aim to defend the practice of judicial review in times of security crises
Email: leonovm@mcmaster.ca
Jorge Luis Fabra Zamora
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Specialization: Philosophy of Law (General Jurisprudence, Philosophical Foundations of Private Law, Philosophical Foundation of Constitutional Law, and Legal Reasoning)
Areas of Competence: Moral and Political Philosophy; Applied Ethics; Human Rights Theory; Legal Reasoning; Latin American Legal; Political Institutions
Thesis Topic: Defectiveness in Legal Theory
Academia: http://mcmaster.academia.edu/jorgefabraz
Profile: Link
Email: fabrajl@mcmaster.ca
Maggie O'Brien
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Law; Bioethics; Feminist Theory
Thesis Topic: The aim of my doctoral project is to analyze, develop and apply W.J. Waluchow's theory of Charter review to an issue of profound moral, political and legal significance: physician-assisted suicide.
Email: obriemj@mcmaster.ca
Katharina von Radziewsky
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Law; Constitutional Interpretation; Argumentation Theory; Rhetoric
Thesis Topic: Constitutional Interpretation and the Constitutional Text
Email: vonradk@mcmaster.ca
Jessica Murphy
Email: murphjm3@mcmaster.ca
Quiang Hao
Email: haog@mcmaster.ca
Elham Beygi
Email: beygie@mcmaster.ca

Current Students (MA)

Igor Osowski
Supervisor: Wil Waluchow
Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Law; Constitutional Law; Political Philosophy; Normative Ethics
Thesis Topic: Constitutional Interpretation and Application by the Judicial Branch (Tentatively)
Email: osowski@mcmaster.ca
Jeffrey Wyngaarden
Supervisor: Stefan Sciaraffa
Areas of Interest: Philosophy of Law; Logic; Ethics
Thesis Topic: The Alienability of the Right to Self-Governance
Email: wyngaajp@mcmaster.ca
Matt Coombe
Profile: Link
Email: coombemp@mcmaster.ca